Catarino Carrillo Sanchez is a 75 year old Huichol singer who has two wives, several children and numerous grandchildren.
When he was seven years old he had a vision inspired by the sacred plant known as quieri. In this vision he was taught several songs, including the one sung during the first fruits ritual known as Tatei Neixa (Dance of our Mother).
< Catarino sings at first fruits ritual.
Children at Catarino's village fly to sacred mountain during first fruits ritual. >
Catarino lives in two worlds, Huichol and Mexican.
< Catarino requests help to expand his tiny store
Inspiring Leaders is a non-profit organization that is being developed by Dr. Jay Courtney Fikes. Catarino Carrillo Sanchez is the first of many inspiring leaders Dr. Fikes intends to profile.

Dr. Fikes

web work by ENTHEOMEDIA, 2001. Contact site administer.

Link to Quieri,
Catarino's benefactor