As cited and cued in the article
Greco-Roman Ruins in the
New World

Entheos: Vol. 1 Issue 2, Winter 2001.
By Blaise D. Staples
Images 1-9

[1] Quetzalcoatl as god of Wind, colonial period Codex Magliabechiaro.
[2] Nappatecutli: speical god of mat-makers guild, Florentine Codex.

[3] Tlaloc: god of rain, aspect of Zeus-Jupiter,
Codex Ixtlilxóchtl (amalgam-colonial).

[4] Opuchtli: Neptune,
Florentine Codex.

[5] Xipe Totec: Apollo, lord of flayed ones, god of sickness, Florentine Codex.

[6] Paynal: delegate of Huitzilopochtli, Dionysian altars, Florentine Codex.
[7] Tlaloc: god of rain, aspect of Jupiter, Florentine Codex.
[8] Yiacatecutli: god of merchants, Mercury, Florentine Codex.
[9] Tezcatlipoca: another Jupiter, Florentine Codex.