Also, Visit Contents of Entheos # 2: Entheogens in the Americas!

Contents Entheos, Issue No. 1, Summer, 2001

Entheogens visit The full article online!
Carl A.P. Ruck, Jeremey Bigwood, Blaise D. Staples,
Jonathan Ott & Gordon Wasson

Deipnosophists in Danbury: Reflections on R. Gordon Wasson’s Table
Blaise D. Staples

Erinnerungen an Den Fliegenpilz (Memories of the Fly Mushroom)
Hoffman & Hoffman visit The full article online!

Conjuring Eden: Art and the Entheogenic Vision of Paradise
Hoffman, Ruck & Staples Visit an online gallery of ancillary illustrations
(38 pages, 33 illustrations, 47 ancillary online illustrations cued to text)

Impressions of A. muscaria
Photos by Heinrich & Hoffman

Old Gods in New Bottles: Alchemical Pharmacopoeia
Heinrich & Ruck (29 pages, 24 illustrations)

In Conversation with Dr. Strassman
Thomas Lyttle

The Phoenix of Lactantius
Translation by Blaise D. Staples

Richard Schultes, Jungle-Drug explorer, Dies at 86
by Elaine Woo link to full online article

Visit Contents of Entheos # 2: Entheogens in the Americas!