As cited and cued in the article
Conjuring Eden:
Art and the Entheogenic Vision of Paradise

Entheos: Vol. 1 Issue 1, Summer 2001.
By Carl A.P. Ruck, Blaise D. Staples, Mark Hoffman
Images 21-30
Jump to images 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-42, 41-50

[25] Infant Moses afloat in a basket, Munich Psalter.
[26] Jacob wrestling with the angel, Munich Psalter.
[27] Sun and moon, detail, Psalm 1, Eadwine Psalter.
[28] Peacocks and parrots drinking from the stylized Fount of Life; from a carved marble panel, once gilded, set in the facade of St. Mark's, Venice
[30] Gravestone depicting the baptism of a child named Innocentius, Museum of Aquileia, Italy, fourth-fifth century.
[29] Birds at Fountain of Life
[21] Scenes from Genesis, Paris-"Eadwine" Psalter. Detail of the Fourth Day.
[22] Third Day of Creation, with the Lord pointing to three angels with mushroom caps.
[23] Dedication illumination, sixth-century Byzantine, for a copy of the herbal of Dioscorides, with the patron, Anicia Juliana, wearing a red and white cap.
[24] Jacob's vision, Munich psalter, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek.